Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Shit almost got real...

So i was about to go home yesterday and Eddie says to follow him. He takes off on his longboard and i follow on my short onE. We cruise around the front of am pm and turn left on Portola. We head down the hill and as we pick up speed Eddie crosses a side street. I'm about to cross it and i see a car approaching the crosswalk... I try to steer clear of a stop sign and the car but it was too much too late and i was going too fast. I felt my wheels bite the board and it was a wrap for me, i was going down. I hit the ground right off to the left of the car and i see my board fly off into the 5 o'clock traffic of Portola. I get up without any regard to any wounds i may have suffered in an intent to rescue her but it was a done deal. I witnessed her get run over by three separate cars which was ultimately her demise and this is whats left of her. Only two months young her time came fast, ill definitely miss her but we'll see whats next for me...

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